is it, isn't it, do u, don't u 既用法

2006-11-02 4:54 am
我地有時會起statement 後面加 is it? isn't it? 啦~前者就係你唔sure 唔知答案既, 後者係你知道個答案既~ 咁但係有無 isn't he/she?!!

同埋例如: he is cool, 咁應該用isn't it 定係 isn't he??

同埋do u don't you 都係咁既用法啦, 咁但係又有無does he/she doesn't he/she 呢?!!?

回答 (2)

2006-11-02 5:24 am
✔ 最佳答案
that is ' question tag '~~

Eg... the weather is good, isn't it?
....... you like swimming, don't you?
~the front statement is + the one behind is -ve...

Eg... he is not a bad guy, is he?
....... she does not enjoy reading, does she?
~the front statement is the one behind is +ve...
2006-11-02 5:04 am
1) 有
2) he is cool, isnt he? (他很酷, 不是嗎?)
3) 有

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