我買了95% 純乙醇, 可以浸中藥加水來外用嗎? 很危險嗎?

2006-11-02 4:06 am
我買了兩瓶95% 純乙醇, 可以浸中藥加水來外用嗎? 很危險嗎?

回答者 :newmozart2001 [小學級 4 級]
記住!記住!記住!即使o係藥房買到乙醇,無論純度幾多,千析唔可以飲!因為唔知裡面D雜質係乜!如果係消毒外用,異丙醇已經夠喇,唔駛買乙醇。你一定要買高純度乙醇,就只能夠去化工原料舖頭買,都係95乙醇,純乙醇(Absolute Alcohol或Absolute Ethanol)係好鬼貴架!而且仲危險過95乙醇。因為純乙醇係用苯(Benzene)去蒸餾出來,苯係有毒,而且致癌。

我買的 95% 純乙醇, 應沒有苯吧???? In one common industrial method to obtain 100% pure alcohol, a small quantity of benzene is added to rectified spirit and the mixture is then distilled. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethanol



回答 (2)

2006-11-02 6:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
It's hard to say, there'll always be a trace of beneze, sometimes it's 1%, sometimes it's 0.0001% - they should say on the label on the bottle.
2006-11-02 5:01 am
你買的 95% 純乙醇, 是沒有苯的

2006-11-02 19:52:13 補充:

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