
2006-11-02 3:46 am
details 如下..
-要show employee的id 跟name..
-period : from 18oct06 to 31oct06..total 13 working day
-payment:$5500/31day*13 = 2306

我搵左好耐書都冇類似既statement sample...幫幫手..謝謝~"~

回答 (3)

2006-11-02 6:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1st November, 2006
Dear XXX,
Re: Salary for the period from 18/10/2006 to 31/10/2006

Enclosed please find a cheque of HK$2,306, being your salary for the period from 18/10/2006 to 31/10/2006. The calculation is as follows:
$5500 ÷ 31 days X 13 days = $2,306
Please note that pursuant to the Labour Ordinance of Hong Kong, you are not entitled to any salary for the Chung Yeung Festival (30/10/2006), a statutory holdiay, since you have not worked for us for a period longer than three months.
Kindly acknowledge receipt of the cheque (no. XXXXXX) by signing and returning the copy of this letter.

Yours sincerely,
For an on behalf of XXXX Company


Acknowledge receipt by:


Name: ABC
HKID no. A123456

2006-11-03 10:15:49 補充:
This mustn't be issued to others but the employee or else how come the signature of the employee is needed.
2006-11-02 6:19 pm

To whom it may concern:

This letter certifies that CHAN, TAI MING, wth HKID A123456(7), was an employee of [name of your company] from October 18, 2006 through October 31, 2006, with a monthly salary of five thousand and five hundred dollars ($5500). Since Mr Chan had not been employed for more than three months prior to his departure, he was not eligible to receive a paid holiday on October 30, 2006, the Chung Yeung Festival.

Therefore, for his his thirteen (13) days of employment, Mr Chan would receive a prorated salary of two-thousand three hundred and six dollars ($2306, which is $5500x13/31) upon his departure. This letter also serves as an acknowledgement from Mr Chan and me that he has received his prorated salary in full.

[Mr Chan's signature] [date] [your signature] [date]
_______________________ ______________________
Chan, Tai Ming Date [Your Name] Date

Thank you for your attention.

Sincerely yours,

[your signature]
[your name]


If this is a hypothetical situation for a writing exercise, the above should be fine. If you want to use the above as a legal letter, I would strongly recommend that you consult with your accountant to ensure that the salary compensation is correct. No one works 7 days a week and so it is incorrect in my opinion to calculate salary based on a 31-day work month. Generally, you count 5.5 days/week or 22 days/month. Mr Chan was employed for 10 working days, and should receive a salary of 5500*10/22 = 2500. You should also consult with your counsel to ensure that letter is consistent with the terms stated on the employment agreement signed by you and your employee.
2006-11-02 7:38 am
To Whom it may concern,

As request by Mr. xxx xxx xxx, the holder of ID card number Xxxxxxx(x), we hereby certify that he was an employee of our company during 18 Oct.,2006 to 31 Oct.,2006. The salary paid to Mr. xxx xxx xxx was HK$x,xxxx. In accordance with the contract signed between Mr. xxx xxx xxx and us, he was not sufficient to have any pay leave at that moment.

for and on behalf of xxxxxxxx company

Authorized signature(s)


2006-11-01 23:40:18 補充:

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