urgent!!! get condyloma during pregnancy

2006-11-02 3:46 am
if i get condyloma during pregnancy, is it dangerous for the baby? it will effect to the baby? it will become cancer? how to cure it? i'm so so worried. please help and advise!!!!
thanks a lot!!!!

回答 (1)

2006-11-02 9:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
cobdyloma were very common in the women with sex experiences. It would not affect the baby. The doctor will repeat the paps smear again to check if the paps smear are normal or not after you had delivered the baby. And they wound not do anything during this pregnancy. Condyloma is caused by a kind of virus infection that call HPV(human papilloma virus), it was proved that it had the relationship to cervical cancer. Sometime it would disappear itself and do not need any medical invention. The doctor will observe the pap smear, and if the pap smear persistly abnormal, they would have some surgical intervention for it. For example, LEEP. cervical biopsy, etc.... Dont worry first. But keep on to follow up at the doctor. They will do the suitable events to you.

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