
2006-11-02 3:17 am


我都係唔明wor~ 一樓 果個可唔可以轉一轉中文牙..

回答 (1)

2006-11-02 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
The solid of KMnO4 cannot be stored pure for ong time, that means a standard solution of KMnO4 cannot be prepared by weighting a sample and dissolved it to a certain volume say 250 cm3. as the KMnO4 solid will contain impurity. A standard KMnO4 solution is prepared by making solution of rough concentration, [ by weighting a certain mass of KMnO4 and dissolve in a certain small amount of water and then make up to say 250 cm3. the accurate concentration is obtained by titration with a standard Fe2+ solution. Therefore, the KMnO4 solution can only be a secondary standard solution. It cannot be a primary standard solution.

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