a level 選科問題~

2006-11-02 3:01 am
讀了 bio, chem , AL maths & stats

但我聽人說只讀一科as是沒有用的? 真有其事嗎?

請過來人一答.. 謝謝

回答 (1)

2006-11-02 11:59 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I am a university graduate and I can say that AS only have little influence when you want to apply the university program~ also just see which group you study in la, if you study in Arts group, normally people only study in 2AL or 2AL plus 1AS, but in science group, mostly people study in 3AL, so you may need to study in la~

also tell you one more thing tim, if your AL exam AS subject is so good, universities mostly not think of it but if your marks is so poor, they will pay a lot of attention to that subject, so work hard on maths and stats la~ that's my personal experience~

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