differnet between research method and research methodology?

2006-11-02 3:00 am
I want to know what is the differnet between research method and research methodology? Thank You Very Much!!

回答 (3)

2006-11-02 3:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
research method = 研究方法. 包含左在研究中所使用的各種方法,手段,步驟.
research methodology = 研究理論.在研究中所使用的各種方法背後的支持理據/理論.
例如:支持呢個"放個波入水,然後計出排水量,以得到個波的體積"既行為背後既理論(即係"亞基米得定律Archimedes Principle"),就係一個Methodology.
2006-11-02 3:06 am
The two main researchs are: quantitative and qualitative research methods.
their methodolgy are different. Quantitative research methods rely on data collection, for example: you need to plot graphs, find out the normal distribution...etc. Qualitative research methods rely on collecting evidences from interviewees, for example: you interview a certain number of people and find out evidences from them.
2006-11-02 3:04 am
research method = 研究方法
research methodology = 研究方法學

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