chinese change to english .......plxxxxxxxxxx

2006-11-02 2:44 am

回答 (3)

2006-11-02 7:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
The spaceship, Genesis has completed the journey of 1.5 million kilometer away from earth to gather solar wind samples. This was NASA's first automatic sample-return mission. However, its parachute failed to function properly for unknown reason.
It was estimated that there were 20 milligrams of solar wind particles collected in space during the past three years inside the cabin of the Genesis.
These particles came from the sun's surface - photosphere. 99% of photosphere is comprised of aboriginal nebula substances. The sun and planets are formed by aggregation of aboriginal nebula substances.
It was planned that a helicopter would intercept the parachute in mid-air. The cabin would be transported inside a special container to a "clean room" in NASA's Johnson Space Centre, Houston.
However, the parachute failed to open . As a result, the Genesis crashed at a speed of 311km per hours into the desert. Half of its body was buried in the sand.
Sand particles, dust and other contaminants got inside the cabin during the crash. Engineers dug out the spaceship with great care. It was then taken to the nearby Dougway Military test field.
In the preliminary checking by mirror, they found a hole 7.6cm in diameter on the sample box. Further check inside the sample box revealed worse information: many of the hexagon flakes that contained the solar wind particles was broken. (The Genesis carried 275 sampling flakes with 10cm length on each side fitted on five collecting container arrays.) When the flakes broke, it would have direct contact with contaminants easily.
參考: 自己譯
2006-11-02 7:30 am
2006-11-02 2:48 am
參考: me

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