
2006-11-02 2:35 am

回答 (2)

2006-11-03 5:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
In the Greek mythology, Pandora opened the box. The greatest god Zeus was angered by Promrtheus giving fire to the human. He bounded him to a mountain with chains that could never be broken, and summonded an eagle to hover above him forever and eat his liver.
But Zeus' anger was still not satisfied. He wanted to punish the humans. So he ordered a beautiful girl to be made, and the gods and godesses were to teach her different talents. After the training, Pandora became the most beautiful and perfect woman in the world.
Zeus gave her as a gift to the brother of Promrtheus. He liked her very much. Before Pandora left the gods, Hermes, one of the gods, gave her a beautiful golden box and asked her not to open it.
After the marriage, Pandora was very happy, but one thing had bothered her ~ the golden box.
Because Hera, one of the godesses gave her curiousity, she opened the box. Some deadly creatures flew out; they were old age, famine, couriosity, jealousy and dieseases in thousands of shapes. Pandora shut the box in horror, and captured the last creature.
The last creature was the most dangerous of all ~ foreboding. If it had flown free, everyone in the world would had been told exactly what misfortune would have happened. No hope would have been possible. Men can bear endless trouble, but he cannot live without hope.


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