
2006-11-02 1:18 am
How to use tense??

回答 (3)

2006-11-02 9:21 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are 12 types of tenses. They are:
1) 現在式 Simple Present tense:
(1) 現在的動作或狀態;
(2) 經常性的動作或狀態。
eg. We often read newspapers.

2) 過去式 Simple Past Tense:
eg. He went yesterday.

3) 將來式 Simple Future Tense:
will / shall﹝英﹞ + Root Form
eg. We shall go to Shanghai tomorrow.
eg. He will graduate next year.
字眼: tomorrow, next, again

4) 現在完成式 Present Perfect Tense :
have / has + 動詞的過去分詞
(1) 已經完成但與現在仍有關聯的動作或狀態;
(2) 過去已經開始並持續到現在的動作或狀態;
(3) 經驗過的動作或狀態。
eg. I have written a letter this morning. 我今早己寫完一封信。
eg. Has he gone? 他已走了嗎〈剛走了嗎〉?
Yes, he has gone. 他已走了〈剛走了〉。
eg. Where have you been?你去過哪裏?
I have been to City Hall. 我去過大會堂。

5) 過去完成式 Past Perfect Tense:
表示: 過去某一時間之前已經完成的動作或狀態
had + 動詞的過去分詞
eg. I had taken my supper when he arrived. 當他到達時,我已吃完我的晚餐。
eg. I had finished my homework when I watched television.
eg. After I had done my work, I played tennis.
若用了 *After* 這個詞,可不用過去完成時態,因已有「之後」的含意。即:After I did my work, I played tennis.
在這種情況下,*After I did my work*是:
*Simple past Tense in form, but past perfect Tense in meaning.*

6) 將來完成式 Future Prefect Tense:
will ( shall ) have + 動詞的過去分詞
表示: 將來某一時間之前已經完成的動作或狀態
eg. We will have completed the work before you come. 在你來之前,我們將完成工作。
eg. When I have taken my supper, I will take a walk with you. 當我吃完晚餐時,我將和你散步。

7) 現在進行式 Present Continuous Tense:
am / are / is + 動詞的現在分詞
表示: 現在正在進行的動作或狀態.
eg. I am going to school.
eg. He is playing ball.

8) 過去進行式 Past Continuous Tense:
was / were + 動詞的現在分詞
表示: 過去某一時間內正在進行的動作或狀態
eg. He was sleeping when I saw him yesterday.

9) 將來進行式 Future Continuous Tense:
will ( shall ) be + 動詞的現在分詞
表示: 將來某一時間內正在進行的動作或狀態
eg. We will be waiting for you at the hotel tomorrow.

10) 現在完成進行式 Present Perfect Continuous Tense:
have ( has ) been + 動詞的現在分詞
表示: 過去已經開始而到現在還正在進行的動作或狀態
eg. I have been reading this book for a week.
eg. I have been waiting for him since three o'clock.

11) 過去完成進行式 Past Perfect Continuous Tense:
had been + 動詞的現在分詞
表示: 過去某一時間以前已經開始而到那時還正在進行的動作或狀態
eg. They had been playing ball for an hour when you reached the playground.

12) 將來完成進行 Future Perfect Continuous Tense:
will ( shall ) have been + 動詞的現在分詞
表示: 將來某一時間以前已經開始而到那時還正在進行的動作或狀態
eg. I will have been studying English for five years when you begin.
2006-11-02 1:38 am
Say, Tell 说,告诉
secret 秘密 truth 事实
secret (adj.) 秘密的 truthful (adj.) 诚实的 honest (adj.) 诚实的
say - said
tell - told

Tell 和 say 的意思相同。二者之间的区别是,tell后跟直接宾语,而 say 后从来不加直接宾语。say不是跟 that从句连用,就是加引语。

I told her the truth. 我告诉她真相了。
She told us your secret. 她告诉我们你的秘密了。
The she said "but Robert, I loves you".

Those people will say that you are crazy. 那些人会说你疯了的。
They told me that the car is ready. 他们告诉我车已经准备好了。


He told me they speak Italian. ??
She says they are ready. 她说他们准备好了。

有些时候,tell后可不加直接宾语。如在短语中,tell the truth。另外tell做其它意思时也可不用直接宾语。

I'm telling the truth. 我说的是事实。
lie 谎言 liar 说谎者
lie 说谎
That student is lying. 那个学生在说谎。
teach - taught 教
learn 学习
They're learning French.
Mary teaches English to the children. 玛丽把英语教给孩子们。
2006-11-02 1:30 am
Present Simple (現在式)
1 用以表達一些重覆的動作或習慣(Repeated actions or habits)
2 表示一種永恆不變的情況,事情(Situations which are permanent)
3 表示真理(General Truth)
注意:三身單數(He, She, It)要加"s",不要忘記啊。

Present Continuous Tense (現在進行式)
1. 表示一個與說話時同步進行的動作(Something is in progress at the moment of speaking)
2. 表示一個發生時間比現在相差不遠的動作(An action happens around now but not necessarily at the moment of speaking)

3. 表示一個時常重復又惹人煩厭的動作或事情

4. 表示一個正在轉變中的事件或計劃了而將進行的事情:

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