the lord of the rings

2006-11-02 12:39 am
summary(100 works)

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2006-11-02 2:00 am
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One Ring to Rule Them All

From the Shire to Minas Tirith to Pelennor Field. The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by J. R. R. Tolkien. Hobbits, Elves, Men, Dwarves, Wizards, and Orcs together with mystics mountains, dungeon dunes, forsaken forests, besiged battlefields make the epic a even more enjoyable experience.

Between Frodoo first acquired the Ring in the quiet Shire to when he stands before the fiery fire of Mordor are episodes and episodes of hardships and the manifestation of endurance and will. Battles that are hard-fought and won at high price mark the climaxes of the adventure. While it may be a literal paradox to denote more than one climax, there is not doubt the exhilaration overrules such paradox.

Throughout the adventure, a reccuring theme of human desire and integrity adds to the mental substantiality of the adventure. The Will of Man at odds with a supposedly supernatural power, how will Man fare? The literature artistic impressions of the adventure do, however, ultimately depnds on the reader.
2006-11-02 2:05 am
The Lord of the Rings is an epic high fantasy novel written by J. R. R. Tolkien. The story began as a sequel to Tolkien's earlier fantasy book The Hobbit and soon developed into a much larger story. It was written in stages between 1937 and 1949, with much of it being created during World War II.It was originally published in three volumes in 1954 and 1955 (much to Tolkien's annoyance, since he had intended it to be a single volume),and has since been reprinted numerous times and translated into at least 38 languages,becoming one of the most popular works in 20th-century literature.

The action in The Lord of the Rings is set in what the author conceived to be the lands of the real Earth, inhabited by humanity but placed in a fictional past, before our science but after the fall of his version of Atlantis, which he calls Númenor.Tolkien gave this setting a modern English name, Middle-earth, a rendering of the Old English Middangeard, the realm where humans live in Germanic mythology.

The story concerns peoples such as Hobbits, Elves, Men, Dwarves, Wizards, and Orcs (called goblins in The Hobbit), and centres on the Ring of Power made by the Dark Lord Sauron. Starting from quiet beginnings in The Shire, the story ranges across Middle-earth and follows the courses of the War of the Ring. The main story is followed by six appendices that provide a wealth of historical and linguistic background material,as well as an index of characters, place names, and terms of note.

Along with Tolkien's other writings, The Lord of the Rings has been subjected to extensive analysis of its literary themes and origins. Although a major work in itself, the story is merely the last movement of a larger mythological cycle, or legendarium, that Tolkien had worked on for many years since 1917.Influences on this earlier work, and on the story of The Lord of the Rings, include philology, mythology and religion, as well as earlier fantasy works and Tolkien's experiences in World War I. The Lord of the Rings in its turn is considered to have had a great impact on modern fantasy, and the impact of Tolkien's works is such that the use of the words "Tolkienian" and "Tolkienesque" have been recorded in the Oxford English Dictionary.

The immense and enduring popularity of The Lord of the Rings has led to numerous references in popular culture, the founding of many societies by fans of Tolkien's works, and a large number of books about Tolkien and his works being published. The Lord of the Rings has inspired (and continues to inspire) short stories, video games, artworks and musical works. Numerous adaptations of Tolkien's works have been made for a wide range of media. Adaptations of The Lord of the Rings in particular have been made for the radio, for the theatre, and for film. The 2001 – 2003 release of the widely acclaimed Lord of the Rings film trilogy prompted a new surge of interest in The Lord of the Rings and Tolkien's other works.
The backstory is revealed as the book progresses, and also elaborated in the Appendices and in The Silmarillion, published after Tolkien's death.

收錄日期: 2021-04-12 22:57:18
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