
2006-11-02 12:31 am

1.doesn't /If /home /be angry /go /before midnight /joan /will /her parents

2.wants /If /make /a to /her/pumpkin pie/will/May/teach/mother /her

3. students /If /want /more /to find out/the Net /they /bout halloween /search /can

第2題是:wants /If /make /a to /her/pump kin pie/will/May/teach/mother /her ↑ 因系統以為(南瓜的英文)是不雅字眼,所以被***,我已把它分開...

回答 (1)

2006-11-02 12:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. If Joan doesn't go home before midnight, her parents will be angry.

2. If May wants, her mother will teach her to make a pump kin pie.

3. If students want to find out more about halloween, they can search the Net.

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