
2006-11-01 9:38 pm


請問我應該怎樣安排住宿和行程 (因為要先book hostel)

本人預計會在抵達carins的中午(25 dec 2pm)先直接去大堡焦
到第二天(26 dec)上晝就去外島 再黃昏回來
到第三天(27 dec)黃昏回carins市內遊覽
到第四天(28 dec)全天玩參觀熱帶雨林和坐纜車 [<--------時候好像有點不夠]


回答 (3)

2006-11-03 7:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
i just came back from cairns

if u got 3 days n half, what i suggest is

the first day u arrive in cairns, go around, and book the tours there or u can go to do the skyrail, ( half day is enough)

the second day u can go to rainforest day tour or outer reef for a day ( depends on the weather conditions), the rainforest i suggest u to go is Daintree, it is one of the oldest rainforest, and more things to see. the day tour to daintree is around $100 -140.
but u can also go to another rainforest, which is the one that u can do the skyrail and Scenic Railway, as i mention above, its only need to half day to do it"http://www.skyrail.com.au/tours.html, so when u arrive in Kuranda( the skyrail will take u to kuranda) , u can go to rainforest station " , where u can see the Pamagirri Dancers & Dreamtime Walk (Aboriginal show) and join the Army Duck Tour. "http://www.rainforest.com.au"
if u dont want to go rainforest station, u can go to Tjapukai Aboriginal Cultural Park, which is just right next to skyrail.............ask ur agents to book it for u.....
the package for both sky rail + rainforest staion or Tjapukai is around $100.

the third day, one day to outer reef, there are heaps of tour u can choose from, price form $ 60 to $ 180, ask which reef they go b4 u book it. the time to outer reef takes about an hour and half.
if u want to spend more time on the reef, then dont join the one with "sail", cos its take much longer time to there.
dont join the "passion of paradise", its not as nice as it said....

the last day, if u want to do more snorkelling or driving, u can go to green island( the cheapest is $ 60) or Frankland ( both are not outer reef)....or u can do hot balloon, or bungy juming($ 99), white water rafting, skydiving, fishing etc......many things to do there...........
would you think of go to the outback for a day.......they have day tour to UNDARA

u will see lots of agents there and u will founds lots of info..........dont worry..........
參考: me
2006-11-01 10:01 pm
Carins 果度其實有好多Hotel, hostel 同backpacker's hostel,住宿其實唔駛太worry既。玩既我之前compare 過,響果度d agent 度報團玩會平d,同埋同其他外國遊客玩,氣氛會好d。

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