我想知道..............隨便你啦是不是講depen on you

2006-11-01 9:20 pm
如果有你地教我麻煩晒.thank you very much

回答 (6)

2006-11-01 10:13 pm
✔ 最佳答案
隨便你啦 : Up to you more mean 隨便.

What is the best price you can give me? --> not too rude... very good use.
Can it be any cheaper?
Can it go any lower?

Is this good quality?
How's the quality of this XXXX?
What is the lifetime for this XXX?
What does it make of?

Where is it made from?
Made in where?

I am annoying
I talk a lot.
I am troublesome.

feel very distance.

You make my heart beats.
My heart is beating because of you.

My vow to you will last forever.
My vow to you is eternal.
My vow to you is timeless.
參考: myself
2006-11-03 4:23 pm
Excellent English!!!!!!!!!!A+++
2006-11-01 10:09 pm
隨便你係: up to you (因為冇乜所謂)
depends on you: 由你黎話事 (取決於係, 隨你而定, 個決定權0係你度)

可以再便宜ㄧ點? Any discount for....(0個樣野)?

這個質量好嗎?How's the quality?

邊個國家做?Where did it make?

我好煩~ I m very upset~

好生疏~ I dont know much about....(地方/人)

你令我心跳 You make my heart beat (faster)

我對你講的野是一生一世 i will always keep my promise (我對你的承諾是一生一世)
參考: -me- 唔準抄!
2006-11-01 9:50 pm
隨便你 = up to you

can it be a little cheaper?
how is this quality?
where was it made in?
so bothersome
so far away
you make my heart beat
what i've told you is for life
2006-11-01 9:34 pm
可以再便宜ㄧ點?---May i have a discount from that? OR Would you like to give me a much better offer for the discount?
這個質量好嗎?---Will the quality of this one is ggod enough?
邊個國家做?---What is the country of origin of this one? OR where do it be made?
我好煩---I am very disturbing....好生疏---We are not quite close enough.
....你令我心跳---You make my heart beating....
我對你講的野是一生一世---my words to you is eternally.
2006-11-01 9:30 pm
Could you give some example of daily conversation words.........can it be cheaper? Is the quality good? Where is it made from? I am fed up.........I am not familar with this........you break my hear.......... ( need to go now)


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