physics problems

2006-11-01 6:40 pm
1. two cars A and B are 400m apart. Car A travels due east at 30m/s on a collision course with car B, which travel dues west at 20m/s. how much time elapses before the two cars collide? (1)8s (2)13s (3) 20s (4)40s
2. find the horizontal and vertical components of a 400N vector that is completely vertical?
(b) slove the question including diagram

please solve these questions. explain to me in detail and show all your works. please!!!!

回答 (2)

2006-11-04 4:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Let the east direction be positive
A travels at 30 m/s
B travels at -20 m/s

Their speed difference is 30 - (-20) m/s
= 50 m/s

time = distance / speed
time = distance / speed difference of A and B
  = 400 / (30+20)
  = 8 s
Answer (1)

(a) Completely vertical means that a vector is parallel to the y-axis (if we express it on a coordinate plane) and has no component that leans towards the x-axis. A completely vertical vector is a vertical arrow, while a completely horizontal vector is a horizontal arrow (parallel to the x-axis).

(It will be easier for you to understand when a vector is on a coordinate system. A completely vertical vector is parallel to the y-axis, perpendicular to the x-axis. If the angle between the vector and the x-axis is not 90 or 180 degrees, the vector is not considered as a completely vertical vector. Vectors with degrees 0 <90, 90<180, 180<270, 270<360 are not complete vertical or horizontal vectors. They have both vertical and horizontal components.)

since the 400N vector is completely vertical.. the horizontal component is 0 and the vertical component is 400N.
2006-11-01 6:59 pm
Car A travel due east at 30m/s
Car B travel due west , or towards Car A at 20m/s
so to Car A , it seems Car B is travelling 50m/s towards it
(this is the concept of relative velocity)
time = distance / speed
time = 8sec
Answer (1)

by the triangle law
any 2D vector can be broken into a x-component and a y-component
(in Amaths , we would express a vector in v = 3x+2y
to say it travel 3 unit left and then 2 unit upward , therefore it is a vector pointing up-left)
take a look at this :

(a) "completely vertical" means this vector has no horizontal component , it is right angle to the horizon , therefore it has vertical component only
(b) by triangle law
....^ .......^
....| .......|
....| = ....| (vertial component) + . (horizontal component)
....| .......|

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