已死去的人, pass away 應該係用 has 定係 had?

2006-11-01 6:31 pm
1. The person who has pass away.
2. The person who had pass away.
3. The person who has passed away.
4. The person who passed away.

Which one is correct??? please help! someone told my no need to use has / had, could you please tell me in detail?

回答 (7)

2006-11-01 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
the answer is 4. , passed away, we use past tense for people who died, present perfect tense means 剛剛死, we will not write it in english.唔通佢斷氣果一刻 我地先會叫 has just passed away.咯!

pass away

Definition: die
Antonyms: be born, live

Meaning #1: pass from physical life and lose all all bodily attributes and functions necessary to sustain life


2006-11-01 10:46:16 補充:
1. The person who has pass away. ---你個tense既form都錯左, present perfect tense 要用 has passed away2. The person who had pass away. ---你個tense既form都錯左, past perfect tense 要用 has passed away3. The person who has passed away. ----- 英文唔會咁寫架!4. The person who passed away. ----correct!!!

2006-11-01 10:48:24 補充:
2. The person who had pass away. ---你個tense既form都錯左, past perfect tense 要用 HAD passed away
2006-11-02 1:35 am
2 and 4
2006-11-01 7:09 pm

Present Perfect Tense

have / has + 動詞的過去分詞

(1) 已經完成但與現在仍有關聯的動作或狀態;
(2) 過去已經開始並持續到現在的動作或狀態;
(3) 經驗過的動作或狀態。


”The person who has passed away”

至於你朋友告訴你不需用has/had,我估計是因為他注意的是那件事是過去發生的事情,而不著重那事現在的狀態,所以他便用Simple Past tense。
就好像 He passed away three years ago.
The old man passed away peacefully.


I have lived in Hong Kong for ten years.

希望我這樣分析能幫到你,但最好你還是問你朋友用simple past tense 的原因
2006-11-01 7:02 pm
4. The person who passed away.
2006-11-01 6:36 pm
3. The person who has passed away.
4. The person who passed away.
both correct
2006-11-01 6:35 pm
2006-11-01 6:35 pm
3. The person who has passed away.
參考: 個人意見

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