
2006-11-01 6:23 pm
我剛才fax 給你,請檢查有没有收到. (e-mail用)
同埋想問如果咁既句子有冇錯.just now,I fax po to you.Please check receive or not.

回答 (7)

2006-11-01 7:09 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have just faxed (the document) to you. Please check whether or not it has been received.


I have just faxed the document to you. Please check whether or not you have received it .

而「just now,I fax po to you.Please check receive or not.」有問題

1) just now = 啱啱先至 (比人錯覺啱啱先至記起)

2) fax 應該用過去式 「faxed」

3) po 吾知係乜?!?

4) to you. 無問題

5) Please check 無問題

6) 問人「乜乜未」,加 whether or not 喺 verb 嘅前面會順好多同啱 grammar。

Some extra points:
1) it has been received 即「被收到」

詳程請參考「被動式句子 (be + past participle) 」的用法 :

2) Whether or not 例子:

whether or not you have decided?

PS 其實好多時,OR NOT 可省略

3) 淨係 whehter (同 OR 一齊用)

I do not mind WHETHER you want to go to Japan OR Korea.
你想去 Japan 定係 Korea ,我都唔介意。

2006-11-02 2:08 am
Just now, I fax po to you.
由於你傳真之後才寫電郵,所以寫電郵時傳真的動作已是過去,要用past或present perfect tense。此外,po(相信你是指purchase order)要加上個article才可以。若是你跟收件者已經有過聯略,那麼可以用the為個article。不然的話,你就該用a。

Please check receive or not.
To receive是個transitive verb,所以在其後一定要有個direct object。

I just faxed you a PO. 這個寫法最簡潔。To fax [indirect object] [direct object]相等於To fax [direct object] to [indirect object]。這個句法也可以在to give、to send、和to write等動詞。Just在句中已含有just now的意思,可以省略個now字。

Please check whether you have received it. 或 Please confirm your receipt of it. 或 Please confirm that you have received it.
通常whether都會跟or not一同使用,但在這個時候,你的目的是想他人去查查收不收到,而收到的機會較大,所以可以省略個or not的部份。其他的兩句是用確認(to confirm)為動詞。那樣,別人在收到後可以以電郵回覆,那麼你便可以知道收件者真的是收到了。

至於補充的問題,第一句的句式正確,第二句漏了一個it字。 兩句的主語有不同,一個是she,而另一個是you。
2006-11-01 8:27 pm
I have just faxed po to you, please check it if receive or not, thanks.
2006-11-01 6:37 pm
1. Please note that the (name of document) has just been faxed to you. Kindly check and advice if you do not receive.

2. You can say : I just faxed you the PO, please check and advice.
2006-11-01 6:35 pm
1) Please phone me on receipt of the fax.

2) 唔係咁有禮貌.
2006-11-01 6:35 pm
I just faxed something to you. Please check whether you have received or not.

just now... or not. - this sentence is not that popular and is not polite at all.
2006-11-01 6:26 pm
I just fax the document to you. Please check! Thank You!

just now,I fax po to you.Please check receive or not. 不通順, 也不是太禮貌

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