✔ 最佳答案
I have just faxed (the document) to you. Please check whether or not it has been received.
I have just faxed the document to you. Please check whether or not you have received it .
而「just now,I fax po to you.Please check receive or not.」有問題
1) just now = 啱啱先至 (比人錯覺啱啱先至記起)
2) fax 應該用過去式 「faxed」
3) po 吾知係乜?!?
4) to you. 無問題
5) Please check 無問題
6) 問人「乜乜未」,加 whether or not 喺 verb 嘅前面會順好多同啱 grammar。
Some extra points:
1) it has been received 即「被收到」
詳程請參考「被動式句子 (be + past participle) 」的用法 :
2) Whether or not 例子:
whether or not you have decided?
PS 其實好多時,OR NOT 可省略
3) 淨係 whehter (同 OR 一齊用)
I do not mind WHETHER you want to go to Japan OR Korea.
你想去 Japan 定係 Korea ,我都唔介意。