請英文高手指教... 十萬個THX~~~

2006-11-01 5:57 pm
我睇番上年ge paper...
有d 唔識...

Tag Question:
You said there are many interesting places to visit, (1) ?
The Peak is famous and I can't miss it, (2) ?



Mr. Tang: Hi, Chung, you look upset. What are you thinking about? Chung: Mr. Tang, my mother saw a documentary film on TV last week and now she doesn’t let me eat at McDonald’s! Mr. Tang: What was the film about?


Chung: It talked about a man who almost died after eating hamburgers every day for nearly a month. After watching the programme, my mother said McDonald’s was bad for me. However, I really enjoy eating it. Mr. Tang: Have you expressed your view to your mother yet?


Chung: Yes, I explained to her that hamburgers are my life. Mr. Tang: Well, I think you need to promise your mother something so that you can get what you want. Chung: What do you mean?


Mr. Tang: Go home and tell her that you will promise to eat more vegetables and fewer hamburgers Chung: I nderstand! Eating too many hamburgers are unhealthy. My mother is worried about me because I am getting fatter and fatter. From now on, I mustn’t eat so many hamburgers.


唔該答埋Tag Question 個d.... plz...

回答 (2)

2006-11-01 10:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Tag Question:
You said there are many interesting places to visit, (1) ?
The Peak is famous and I can't miss it, (2) ?
Peak 幾出名﹐ 我唔可以錯過

Chung: Mr. Tang, my mother saw a documentary film on TV last week and now she ‘WON'T let me eat at McDonald’s!

Chung: It talked about a man who almost died after eating hamburgers EVERYDAY for nearly a month. After watching the program, my mother said McDonald’s IS bad for me. However, I really enjoy eating it.

2006-11-01 14:21:13 補充:
我會用 mom instead of mother. mother 好似好 formal.如果只系tense 問題既話﹐ 應該差不多。當然﹐ 如果系內容既話﹐ 可以有好多方式。everyday 系連埋既﹐ 唔好分開。using IS (進行式) instead of WAS (過去式)
2006-11-01 6:30 pm
Here are some of my suggestion:

... What are you worrying (not thinking) about?
... my mother watched (not saw) a documentary...
... was bad for me. But, I really like to eat McDonald' s hamburgers.

Hope it could help you!!

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