[ per se ] 點解?

2006-11-01 8:49 am
[ per se ] 點解? 用法又係點呢?

回答 (2)

2006-11-01 6:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
per se 是拉丁文
Yahoo: 就其本身而言(=in or by itself)
Webster: by, of, or in itself or oneself or themselves (as adverb); being such inherently, clearly, or as a matter of law(as adjective)
Wikipedia: Also "by itself" or "in itself". Without referring to anything else, intrinsically, taken without qualifications, etc.
仲係一頭霧水? 睇下例句就明:
He is not a lawyer per se. (他本身不是一個律師)
Killing enemies in the battlefield is not illegal per se. (在戰場上殲敵本身並非違法)
per se 一般用在兩方面:

法律用語,例如 negligence per se 及 illegal per se

為了建立論句,比如上文嗰個例子: He is not a lawyer per se. 如果句子只想說明他不是一個律師, per se 是多餘了,He is not a lawyer 就可以。一般係有上文下理,例如: We have asked Peter to draft the agreement but he is not a lawyer per se.
2006-11-01 9:03 am
per se 是一個拉丁文的phrase
字典解釋: 就其本身而言(=in or by itself)

2006-11-01 01:07:45 補充:
Per se can be used as adverb or adjectives(When using as an adverb)Etymology: Latin=by, of, or in itself or oneself or themselves(When using as an adjective)= being such inherently, clearly, or as a matter of law <a rel="nofollow"> http://www.m-w.com/cgi-bin/dictionary</a>

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