
2006-11-01 8:07 am
因為網上的翻譯功能, 實在太錯gammer 了,
有冇人可以幫我翻譯一個好d 既英文版?? 唔該~~!!
(包括補充問題o個度 )

從以上的簡報, 我們可以看到賭博對人們, 甚至他們的家人及身邊的人也帶來很大的影響。所以, 我們也提供了一些意見給政府, 例如教育, 防範和輔導等的工作, 去減低賭博者帶來的問題。

第一, 推銷宣傳
政府可以立法, 例如賭博公司只能在報章或雜誌用廣告來推銷賭博。它切不可在公共場所賣廣告, (如:地鐵, 火車, 公共汽車等) 這個措施是減少未成年的人接觸到賭博。其實這除了政府的法例外, 廣告公司和所有傳媒亦應分擔這些責任。

第二, 教育
政府亦可以推行更多防止賭博活動的教育活動。例如, 給兒童解釋賭博是如何為害社會, 給為人父母或為人老師者提供防範小孩或未成年的人學會或參與賭博。學校應該有特別的課程, 來教學生知道怎樣保護自己的身心健康, 避免沉迷賭博。此外, 慈悲團體或宗教組織亦應抱責無旁貸的熱勁來推廣這項教育。

最後, 賭博輔導熱線電話 這個熱線電話的作用, 可以是傳遞消息, 例如, 解答家人的問題, 勸告問題賭徒去求助。它的另一個功用可以是提供求助者可用的資源 (例如, 有哪個心理學家, 哪兒有輔導員等信息)。這個工作或許交由慈悲團體或宗教組織來承擔就更勝任不過。 這是簡報的最尾, 多謝。

回答 (6)

2006-11-01 9:52 am
✔ 最佳答案
Before answering your question, I have noticed that a lot of people always spell the word grammar wrong. It is GRAMMAR and not GRAMMER, with an A, not E.....

From the bulletin above, we can tell how gambling has been affecting our normal family lives. Therefore, we have provided some comments for the government, for example, educating, preventing and consulting people on what kind of negative effects gambling could bring to our daily lives and society.

One of the solution could be propaganda and promotion.
The Government can pass some kind of law limiting promotion and advertisement campaign from the gambling company on magazines. For example, adverstisement and promotion on public transportation such as MTR, Train may also help to minize the appeal to our younger generation. Besides law enforcement, advertising company and the mass media should also bare part of the responsibilities on empahsizing gambling promotion.

Another solution would be education.
The Geovernment can organize activities and campaigns against Gambling. For instance, by educating and explaining to the children on how gambling may affect the society moral and educate the parents on how to prevent their children from approaching, appealing or involving in any kind of gambling activities at the same time. The school should also provide special programs on how to protect the positive and healthy thinkings for the students. In addition, non-profit and religious organizations should be the ones that should pay extra attention to promote the negative effects on how Gambling will bring to our society and prevent our future generation to fall into the trap of gambling.

Last but not least, a final solution could be the development of a Gambling Addictive Hotline. The purpose of this hotline should target on spreading the idea of negative effects on gambling and assisting gambing addicitives as well as their friends and relatives. This hotline should also be an alternative solution and resources for those of need. (For example, they could have over-the-phone psychologists consultation for the addictives about their gambling act, etc). I believe that this kind of action and hotline is more appropriate to run by non-profit and/or religious organization.

This is the end of my bulleten. Thank you.

HOPE THAT HELPS....didn't really pay attention to much grammar though, but seems like too much example, change a little bit wordings due to weird transation....
參考: own
2006-11-02 2:44 am
From the bulletin of the above, we can see and gamble people correctly , even their family and person at one's side bring very great influence. So, we have offered some suggestions to the government, for example educate, the work taken precautions against and coached etc., the question that the person who lowers gambling brings that will go.
First, can legislate to propagate the government to promote , for example the gambling company can only promote the gambling with the advertisement in the newspapers or the magazine . It can't sell public place being the advertising,(such as: The subway , the train, the bus,etc.) this measure is to reduce the teenage person and touch the gambling. Except the government's exception of France of in fact this, advertising agency and media should also share the responsibility .
Second, educate the government to pursue and prevent gambling the educational activities of the activity more. For example, explain in the society how to children, give and offer to people parents or teacher person and take precautions against children or the teenage person to learn or participate in the gambling. The school should have special course , to teach students how to know how to protect one's own physical and mental health , avoid indulging in the gambling. In addition, mercy group or religious organizations should also cherish duty-bound warm feeling to popularize this education .
Finally, coach the function of this hot-line of the hot-line , can transmit news in gambling, for example, answer family's question and advise the question gambler to seek help. Can offer person who seek help available resource of the it one another function (for example, which psychologists does it have, where there are information , such as counsellor ,etc.). Perhaps this job is handed in and organized by to undertake not to competent more at.

This is top end of a bulletin, thanks a lot.
2006-11-02 1:39 am
From the bulletin of the above, we can see and gamble people correctly , even their family and person at one's side bring very great influence. So, we have offered some suggestions to the government, such as education, the work taken precautions against and coached etc., the question that the person who lowers gambling brings that will go.

First, promote and propagate
The government can legislate , for example the gambling company can only promote the gambling with the advertisement in the newspapers or the magazine . It sells to be the advertising,(for instance: The subway , the train, the bus,etc.) this measure is to reduce the teenage person and touch the gambling. Except the government's exception of France of in fact this, advertising agency and media should also share the responsibility .

Second, education
The government can also pursue and prevent gambling the educational activities of the activity more . For example, explain in the society how to children, give and offer to people parents or teacher person and take precautions against children or the teenage person to learn or participate in the gambling. The school should have special course , to teach students how to know how to protect one's own physical and mental health, avoid indulging in the gambling. In addition, mercy group or religious organizations should also cherish duty-bound warm feeling to popularize this education .

Finally , gamble and coach the hot-line
The function of this hot-line , can transmit news , for example, answer family's question, advise the question gambler to seek help. It offer another of the it ones function by person who seek help available resource (for example, which psychologists does it have, where there are information , such as counsellor ,etc.). Perhaps this job is handed in and organized by to undertake not to competent more at.

This is top end of a bulletin, thanks a lot.
參考: myself
2006-11-01 8:56 am
From the above briefing, we can see gamble to people, even their family and nearby of the person also brings very big of influence. So, we also provided some opinions to the government, for example education, guard against to wait for with guidance of work, etc.

Firstly, Publicity Promotion
Government can with lawmaking, for example, the gamble company can only use advertisement to promote on the gamble just in the newspaper or the magazine. It cannot sell an advertisement in the public place such as subway, train and bus. This measure reduces teenagers to come in contact with on the gamble. In fact, this in addition to the legal statutes of government, advertising agency and all Medias should also share these responsibilities.

Secondly, Education
The government can also promote more education activities which prevent gambling. For example, explaining on the gamble toward the children are how do ill society, give behavior the parents or behave teacher's to provide to guard against kid or teenagers to master or participate on the gamble. The school should have a special curriculum, come to teaching to get to know how protect an own mind and body health, avoid addicting on the gamble. In addition, the charity or religion organization should also embrace duty-bound of hot strength to expand this education.

Finally, Establish Hot Line for Gambling Guidance
The function of the hot line can circulate news. For example, answering the problem of families, advice problem gambler to ask for help. Another function of the hot line can be provide to people ask for help an available resource. For example, where can be found psychologist or counselor? This work probably hand over is undertaken by the charity or the religion organization to be more competent.

This is the end of the briefing, many thanks!
2006-11-01 8:16 am
I don't think which is good neither. U should try to do it by urself
2006-11-01 8:12 am
唔好咁啦....叫人代你做功課...咁對你自己唔好嫁...又學唔到野! 將來你一定會後悔的.

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