when should i call her back?

2006-11-01 5:14 am
i met this girl on an online dating site last night. we talk on messenger, saw each others pics (shes very cute), and then she said "im going to my room now i think, but you can call me if you want". so i ask for her number, call, and we talk for about 20-25 minutes about school, family life, san fran, halloween plans, clubs, drinking, etc etc. at the end she says "so can you call me tomorrow night" i said yes, we both say goodnight.

so now its the next night. im looking forward to talking to her again. its 9pm...she said she was taking her younger siblings trick or treating at around 7pm for like 2 hours.

when should i call her? i dont wanna seem desperate or needy lol...help girls!!

回答 (10)

2006-11-01 5:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
I'd definately wait. You really dont' want to let her know that you're desperate. Call tomorrow and ask about the trick'or'treating. Girls like to play games.
2006-11-01 5:48 pm
i'd call her around 10pm she may be out a little longer so gie her time to get home and get settled and that way you wont seem to desperate either.
2006-11-01 1:29 pm
well you can call her now because you told her that you was going to call. you don't want her to think you isn't a man of your word.
2006-11-01 1:18 pm
What's wrong with now?
2006-11-01 1:18 pm
if she asked you to call her then call her.
2006-11-01 1:18 pm
call her if u want but DO NOT BLOW HER OFF! if u don't want to call her tonight then tell her that u went out and couldn't call or something but also say that ur sry if u don't call her! but if u already did i hope u had an AWESOME conversation! GOOD LUCK!
<3 Lauren
2006-11-01 1:18 pm
I'd call closer to 10pm to leave time for her helping the kids out of their costumes, etc. I think it's so nice that you want to be on top of your word and not leave her hanging!
2006-11-01 1:18 pm
I would call around 10:30, making it seems like you wern't that pressed to call, but you were still interested
2006-11-01 1:17 pm
I would call her now. She should be back by then and besides, she obviously wants to talk to you she didn't put any boundries on when to call her.
2006-11-01 1:17 pm
make her linger a bit... send her an sms "hope you had fun trick or treating. Will call you tomorrow" And call her tomorrow.

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