我想問幾時個if 擺前幾時擺中間

2006-11-01 6:01 am
我想問幾時個if 擺前幾時擺中間係一句句子中

回答 (5)

2006-11-01 6:10 am
✔ 最佳答案
We only use IF at the beginning :

IF I can't meet the bus at 7:30 a.m., I will be late.

IF I won the prize, I would give it to my Mum.
如果你想擺 if 中間 就用whether
Whether 有"其一"的意思如:

we should go home whether by bus or train.

即是不是搭"公共汽車"便是答"公共汽車"回家, 二取之其一


i don't know whether she is coming

但這句表示了"她來"及 "她不來"的結果, 她只會來或不來, 也是二中其一
2006-11-01 6:29 am
如果個main clause響前面,,
就好似咁樣:you will be fat if you eat so much.
you will be fat ---main clause
如果main clause響後面..
e.g.if you eat so much, you will be fat.
you will be fat---main clause
2006-11-01 6:23 am

If 擺在前面:(次例子中,句子被分成了2個分句,中間用逗號分割)
If it rains,we will not go on a field tomorrow.
If Jackson does well in his study,his father will be very happy.

We will not go on a field if it rains tomorrow.
Jackson's father will be very happy if he does well in his study.

參考: 經驗之談
2006-11-01 6:10 am
If you are a good girl, I will bake you a cake.
I will bake you a cake if you are a good girl.

如果個if 0係前面, 就一定要有 (,) 0係中間
如果個if 0係中間, 就冇(,)

記住,if 係假設的
一定要用 will / may etc 0既verb,
而唔可以用past tense / past continuous tense etc.
2006-11-01 6:09 am
其實無特定, 視乎你想將句子入面邊個做 subject .

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