
2006-11-01 5:32 am



Thank you!!

回答 (5)

2006-11-01 5:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Suddently, there is a big monster stand in front of me, and i take out his sword and kill this monster.

Hope can help you!
參考: myself
2006-11-01 5:21 pm
All the sudden, there is a massive monster jump in front of me, then I draw his sword and slain the beast.
參考: myself
2006-11-01 8:42 am
配劍的怪物?那就是"牠"而不是"他"了,是否還有第三者的"他"? 你應指是拿出你自己的劍吧! 對嗎? Then the English is: I drew out my sword and killed that monster.
2006-11-01 5:43 am
Suddenly, an enormous monster appeared in front of me, not long, I took out my sword and slayed it
2006-11-01 5:40 am
Suddenly,have a big monster in front of me.after that,I use a sword to kill it.

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