
2006-11-01 4:30 am
1.What is the name of the sea animals?
2.How many _________are there?
3.Where do they live?
4.What do they eat?
5.What is special about them?

回答 (2)

2006-11-01 4:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. The sea animal's name's is Clown fish.
2. /
3.They live in sea floor.
4. They eat anemone's fish and lebtouers
5.They have three white rertical strpes.
參考: my homework
2006-11-01 4:33 am
Many people have a misconception that jellyfish is a kind of fish, actually it is not. It is an invertebrate animal in the Phylum Coelenterata family, which is the same as Coral's.
Jellyfish look like transparent parachutes floating in the sea. They look solid but actually 95%of their bodies are composed of water!

They like staying in warm water regions near the coast. 5 to 6 types of them are common in Hong Kong. We can see them quite easily when we go on board.

It is surprising to know that jellyfish is a kind of carnivorous organism. They eat fish and plankton. When some of these preys come near the jellyfish, their Nematocysts will produce toxin to numb the prey. Once the jelly fish excret the toxin, they may die. However, their cells can be repaired within 24 hours, which make them live again. They have very stong sense of life!

Most jellyfish are not poisonous, some of them can be even used to help cure some kinds of cancer and heart disease!

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:49:26
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