F4 physics(net force)問題~~就快quiz,幫幫忙~~ .

2006-11-01 4:07 am
我唔明點解net force系0都仲可以用constant speed move.如果一樣物件向前同向後ge力都一樣,點解仲有force推得move佢??

回答 (1)

2006-11-02 5:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
According to Newton s First Law of motion, a body will remain at rest or travel in uniform velocity unless it is acted by a net force.
Since the net force is 0 in your question, the body can still move at a constant speed.

Net Force = Applied force on the object - Friction/resistance
If the applied force = resistance, the net force = 0
Therefore the body can still move at a constant speed.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 14:45:28
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