molar volume calculations..HELP..

2006-11-01 2:44 am
The overall reaction in the electrolysis of brine can be redrsented by the following equation: 2NaCl+2H²0----> 2NaOH + H² + Cl²

10dm³ of brine flows through the electrolytic cell per hour. The brine entering the cell has a concentrated if 250 g of NaCl in 1 dm³ of brine. The used brine leaving the cell has a concentrated of 86g of NaCl in 1dm³ of the solution.
a)Calculate the mass of sodium hydroxide produced per hour.

其實問題仲有b)嫁~可以答埋我嗎?? b)Calculate the volume of chlorine produced per hour.

回答 (1)

2006-11-01 3:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
mass of NaCl consumped per 1dm3 = 250-86=164g
mass of NaCl consumped per hour = 164 X 10 = 1640 g

no. of mole of NaCl used = ( 1640/23+35.5 ) = 28.034
no. of mole of NaOH produced per hour = 28.034 X ( 23 + 16 + 1 ) = 1121 g

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 16:39:18
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