好煩.. 唔知點好..(副學士學生)

2006-11-01 2:33 am



1) 讀完兩年asso,想去外國讀degree,分數駛唔駛好高?!

2) asso畢業,可唔可以升一d唔同我之前所讀的科目的degree?? (i.e. 非商科degree)

3) 可唔可以讀左一年asso,之後就去外國讀degree?? 會讀year幾? 咁做抵唔抵?

回答 (2)

2006-11-01 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) just see which university you want to study in la, if you just want to study in some normal university, the entry requirement will not be so high and you can try try it ga~

2) if you want to study in non-business and you study in business when you study in AD, I can answer that according to the university policy, they may let you to study in but you not have or less credit exemption because you not study in the related field~

3) ofcourse you can la, also which year youstudy in will according to which field of degreeyou study in la, normally you will start from year 1 and in my view, this is a little bit not worth because the fastest way that get a degree is finish to study AD and study some top up degree, normally you only need to study 1 or 1.5 year and get a bachelor~

hope that my answer can give some inspiration to you la~
2006-11-01 6:03 pm
1) GPA is 2.7 or above (其實 2.5-2.7都會有人收,不過選擇的學校少d, 質素亦未必咁好)
2) top-up degree = NO (top-up = 1-2年完成的degree, 如果你要讀其他科, 要從頭讀起)
3) starting from year one OR you may need to take a 1 yr foundation course, then study 3 yrs in UK or 4 yrs in US (即是唔會抵..)

不過, 我非常讚成你將來到外國升學
一來可以學會自立, 二來讀完後找工作會容易d
讀完degree後 你可以選擇讀理科master

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