
2006-11-01 1:57 am
我打左7YEAR TENNIS ...有冇D咩about tennis可以話我知我

回答 (2)

2006-11-04 12:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
打了七年網球,水準應有番甘上下, 你應:
參加一間Tennis Club, 參與一些網球比賽(Inter clubs-球會與球會間), 雙打, 一年有Summer/Winter League 二次, 分A+ - E 六級, 有升降制, 十分有味道, 又因此可以認識很多新朋友, 對你交際也有幫助.
參考: 已見
2006-11-01 10:42 am
After 7 years in tennis, you might consider one or more of these:
- Get a coach/take some lesson to nail down the advanced techniques
- Buy and use a player racquet (95 sq. in. or smaller heas size) which gives you more control
- Take up weight and core training now that you know how to properly apply power to your game; also helps to prevent injury

Enjoy your game.

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 17:01:38
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