閣下對中共,香港,台灣的政見是什麼? (可以個別表達,目的是看香港主流觀感。)


1. 對中共歷代主席評價;
2. 對香港民主進程立場;
3. 未來中台兩岸統一之建議;
4. 其他有關中華民族之發展意見(如一國兩制,中國於東盟的角色及貢獻,如何防止如阿扁無恥當政的事件發生......等。)


回答 (2)

2006-11-01 7:11 am
關於第三點, 我想, 只有大陸民主化才可和平解決統一的問題.
當大陸民主化後, 大陸可以讓台灣人去大陸做總統候選人, 做選民, 組織政黨等, 我相信那時泛藍的一定支持, 淺綠的雖然口裡不支持, 但最少也可能暗中到大陸投票...逐漸台灣與大陸的政治連繫越來越緊密, 台灣人在大陸的政經利益越來越多時, 就不會獨立, 欣然與大陸統一.
2006-11-01 12:45 am
for the PRC, it is a communist society and her attitude towards taiwan is to hope taiwan and china can unite together as soon as possible for peace. however, a-bien in taiwan definitely object this policy and he would like to declare taiwan as a country but not a province under chinese rule.

for the hksar, people are demanding for democracy and democratic nomination the CEO, however, the chinese government do not really support this action. Under the basic law, hksar is now exercising the one country, two system administrative practice for the coming 50 years law....

Hope this can help u la

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