
2006-11-01 12:08 am
What are the Precautions of chatting online?
Will you meet a new cyberfriend in Person / face to face? Why?
What are the precautions of meeting a cyberfrined in face?


回答 (2)

2006-11-01 12:22 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Don't give out personal details like ur address, phone number, age e.c.t to anyone u r chatting online that u duno
2. Yes u might meet a new cyberfriend in person because u might enjoy talking to that person and u r curious of that person's appearance
3. Um....i think u should go to a place where there are many ppl if u r going to meet a cyberfriend because that person might do something bad to u and if u go to a public place, at least there will be a less chance for him to do something bad to u
2006-11-01 12:19 am
1. do not give personal details to cyberfriend as some people will use these details for their own benefit or commit fraud.

2. If that person seems nice and polite and have known that person for a while, then it maybe worthwhile to meet this person just to get to know another friend

3. Place of the meeting is very important, must be in a public place which is busy and will be more safe.
參考: me

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