windoes live messenger~

2006-10-31 9:56 pm
點解windoes live messenger個到有d連絡人前有個黃*既?

回答 (3)

2006-10-31 10:02 pm
✔ 最佳答案
代表佢個msn space有更新
如果你想唔要佢,可以響google search "" 下載mess patch
參考: 自己
2006-10-31 10:24 pm
因為佢地更新、編輯了佢地的 分享空間 (Spaces).
參考: Me
2006-10-31 10:07 pm
Everytime when they edit/add new information in their Windows Live Spaces, you will see that sign in front of their handle.

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