轉英文* 吾該幫幫手呀.... 要快!!! THX

2006-10-31 8:25 pm
我們參觀新加坡的特色,印度街... ...我們還逛街呢!但他們的價錢俾香港的貴很多,還要交稅的.





回答 (3)

2006-10-31 9:50 pm
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We have visited one of the special tourist spot in Singapore, indian street......we went strolling and window shopping too! Not only the prices of goods there were much higher than those in Hong Kong, but also the goods were taxed.

The school that we have visited was a boys’ school, I was stunned by its spacious campus.

During their lessons, I saw some teachers use their rulers to slap on their student’s table. It was terrible that caning was still allowed in Singapore! Fortunately, caning was banned in Hong Kong. (或者你可以說, Fortunately, the schools in Hong Kong were anything but Singaporean, 這句的意思是香港的學校絕對不像新加坡那樣)

Lastly, I hoped I would go to Singapore again for travelling.

2006-10-31 17:35:08 補充:
對唔住,最後一句是”Lastly, I hope I will go to Singapore again for travelling”,因為你是你現在的希望
2006-10-31 9:47 pm
We went to visit Singapore's spicealities, like the India Street. Then we also went shopping. but their prices are way expensive than in Hong Kong, and we had to pay tax too.

The school that we visited was a male school. The school was gigantic, and it really astonished me.

We visited during the class time. Some teachers used rulers to hit on the students' desks. They also had penalize, which really freaked me out. Luckily, Hong Kong schools don't have that kind of policy.

At last, I would like to visit Singapore again if there is an opportunity.
2006-10-31 8:30 pm
We visited Singapore characteristics,India street... ... shopping too! but they also serve the expensive prices.also taxpayers.

We then visited the school,That is Boys School. where great. I really let the trance.

We visited their school,Some teachers will be holding a yardstick to judge students to the table. They also have corporal punishment. terrible!

Fortunately our schools did not like Singapore. Finally,have the chance to do so, I would like to go to Singapore Tourism!

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