
2006-10-31 8:15 pm
因為第二朝一定會洗頭(我d頭駛好容易油架),所以夜晚我唔洗就訓覺架喇(但係gel左頭架)!! 我想問下會唔會係咁所以掉咁多頭髮呀????

我已經用緊防脫髮既洗頭水架喇! 有d人話食首烏片有用,其實係咪架呢?? 同埋究竟我應唔應該一日洗兩次頭呢???

回答 (4)

2006-10-31 8:52 pm
其實掉頭髮,有很多種情況,比如:天氣的影響,好像現是秋天就是掉頭髮的.或者洗頭水用錯.再者就是你的內部問題,比如體內缺少微量元素"鋅",在飲食方面可以多吃些黑芝麻加核桃仁.黑豆之類的黑色食品.最後最重要是好好保護你的"腰子"也就是腎 !如果你是男人這是非常重要
2006-10-31 8:28 pm
I don't think it is related to the gel as I have straight hair without using any gek but having same problem with you. My doctor give me some cream & shampoo, seems work. But it is clumsy to follow the instruction: cream twice a day, shampoo use once 2-3 days. Hope someone can give both of us good suggestion!!!

BTW, it is not good to keep so much chemical product on your hair for such a long day. It is not healthy. I suggest you to change the hair style to straight one so that no need to put the gel. This is the reason for me to keep it straght.

I used to see doctor for hair skin problem. The doctor blame me for cleaning the hair daily. As his point, shampoo and conditioner are chemical too. The skin is sensitive to them. He suggest me to wash hari one 2-3 times a week. So of course not to wash it twice a day!!!

From my experience, there is a habit for the hair and skin. If you wash daily, it become oily daily, may be it just release oil to protect it / work against the shampoo and conditioner. Now even I clean alternately day, it still fresh (not oily). Try!!
參考: myself
2006-10-31 8:24 pm
其實每日洗一次頭已經夠干淨喇, 洗多幾次埋甩多d頭髮囉,
你可能係用既洗頭水唔岩呀, 買d溫和d防止甩頭髮既洗頭水用喇,
好多國貨公司, 及萬寧既地方都有得賣,
同埋可以買d中藥成份既防甩髮既藥食, 例如:維生wu絲素, wu髮濃.......
2006-10-31 8:21 pm



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