Could & Would 點樣用同分別

2006-10-31 4:30 pm
老師教有禮貌的發問式英語可用Could 與 Would 作開頭。
例 : Would you mind give me some money?
Could you mind give me some money?


回答 (4)

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Would you mind giving me some money?

Would you mind + verb + ing=

Would you mind doing something?
I don't mind working late. (= it's not a problem. Note the –ing form); Would you mind opening the window for me? ... I would quite like to) B Never mind that. You've got homework to do. (= this is not important in comparison to the ... headway/hwy_wordzone/wotw/43/ - 14k -

Would you mind if I + verb (simple past tense)

e.g. Would you mind terribly if I kissed you now? I don't mean to bother you. It's just that we've been sitting here all night talking, talking, talking, talking, and I really would like to kiss you now. I understand if you'd rather I didn't ... - 25k -

Could you () give me some money?

Could you + verb (intransitive verb, basic form)

向人問路,除了以前說過的Could you tell me the way to a certain place?(可以告訴我怎樣去某處嗎?)還有一個常用說法:Could you direct ... 或Could you show me where I am on the map?請人家在地圖上指路,則可說:Could you show me on the map? ... english/default.asp?art=20060913eg01.txt - 116k -

Could you 是不可加 mind

還有,可加 PLEASE, 更有禮貌。

could you please manage a Google email account for me. I need an accont in google.please send me an invitation at my email address.thx sincerely ... Could you please provide me with the e-mail address of Rolling Th... Obe M. Healea, Jr ... ID=20028769&AT=39150639-39020372t-10000024c - 255k

2006-10-31 09:05:52 補充:
究竟兩句的分別,邊句會比較有禮貌?你那句舉的例不是太好,因好似問人乞錢。我用過第二個例子。Would you mind opening the window, please?Could you open the window, please?

2006-10-31 09:09:14 補充:
其實字面上差不多,用個 MIND 的不一定更有禮貌,語氣和表情才是最重要。當事人才能體會。你試試用中文去問這兩句和想想便明。好多時用 MIND 那句會有反效果,好似串人,命令式,問人介不介意,如:Would you mind putting out your cigarette?答的人根本不好意思說介意。

2006-10-31 09:10:17 補充:
想有禮貌,問完人,人地做了,記得講 THANK YOU (VERY MUCH), 便夠晒禮貌。
2006-10-31 6:45 pm
Would 是比 could有禮貌。


還有一點的是,我很少用mind,因為mind是介意的意思,你現在好像問人﹕你介不介意給我一點錢。如果別人答 yes,即是介意!但如果答 no,明明是不介意,但聽上去好像是﹕no,我不給你錢。所以用please代替mind會好得多。would you please give me some money? 有禮貌之餘又不會帶有相反意思的模糊情況出現。

我以前試過用can/could來問老師的問題﹕can you show me how to do this math?(你有沒有能力做這條數給我看?) 他之後答我﹕yes, i can (我有能力),但就沒有實際做給我看。之後我立即再問﹕would you show me how to do this math? (你可不可以做這條數給我看?) 他之後再答﹕yes, i would. (我可以) 當然就馬上在黑板做條數給我看!
2006-10-31 5:57 pm
i think Could you mind give me some money? 比較有禮貌

i just think so !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
2006-10-31 4:40 pm
would - formal , usually talk to teacher, senior, boss

could - informal , usually talk to classmates, friends, peer,

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