
2006-10-31 3:15 pm
佢地d幣值咁高, 係咩原因呢? 佢地國家富強既原因係咩?

可以從歷史既角度, 政治既角度, 經濟既角度分析一下嗎?

回答 (3)

2006-11-02 12:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
The similar question has been asking many times by Chinese general publics probably since 1866 the year of the born of Dr Sun Yat-Sin and the May Fourth Moment in 1919 our senior students in the north China. Why our China was so poor?

By use of China resources and talents of our ancestors that they were competent to growing crops on the motherland for our foods; to making textiles for our clothes; to building shelters in rounded shape houses and the great walls for proper security from invade of our enemies ; to riding horses for traveling in our motherlands. All these factors let our ancestors living our place for thousands without going to other places---the inbound economy that our numerous empires, regimes, emperors were proud of doing so, since we were the central country and the biggest one around the world and others were just barbarians with low degree of literacy and civilization, however our emperors were blinded with their scientific and technological development or being selected not to see it if really happened in the west.

China heritage and traditionally adopted the governing systems and political advocacies that were very much favored to the governors.
The somewhat paranoid dynasties, regimes and emperors for the sake of being well control and governing their countries, had only adopted the systems and advocacies emphasizing the disciplinary of ordering, respecting, and courtesy systems that juniors must always obey their seniors at family level as well as the emperors at national level.
General publics were being cracked down or were not allowed by the regimes for any development of trade, science, and technology secretly and privately that activities were considered to be threats the stability of the regimes. Those activities must be handling by officials and the talented people must be employed under the regime control.

Our science and technology had no chance to blooming during several thousand years although our ancestors had just invented something fundamentals, whereas those “barbarians” were living in the sovereignty of outbound economy, who were free to act individually and aggressively for the benefit of their countries by bottom-up approach. They were not being restricted by any regulations or laws that their science and technology had opportunities to be bloomed one day. The Industrial Revolution eventually came that speeded up the development of machines, equipment, tools for high productivity, and also weapons that could be used for invasion, to damage places and economy of others back to the Stone Age, to build colonies over the world, to rob their resources, to use forces to trade unfairly with the manufactured products in exchanging the gold, valued resources of colonies. Trade surpluses and accumulating gold and valued resources through forced trades, the nations of poverty, no way! See Adams Smith’s The Wealth of Nations.

2006-11-01 16:44:40 補充:
Addtion:...- that juniors must always obey their seniors at family level as well as the emperors at national level, therefore people had no power, or tended to not challenging their seniors and their rules, not challenging risks and no adventurous spirits

2006-11-01 17:29:12 補充:
Addition:Furthermore, trading brought European countries much wealth that could obtain comparative advantages at low opportunity cost. See David Ricardo
參考: Own Article
2006-10-31 5:22 pm
In historical sense, the industrial revolution bloomed in Europe, it greatly increases the productivity of these nations and boost up their Gross domestic product. Furthermore, they focus on techonological advancement and put lot of emphasis in education and research also help the economic prosperity.

In political sense, a well established free market system can be found in these places so people may trade according to the market mechanism with little government intervention. Also, the political stability, which refers to a well functioned government and a peaceful system of election and change in power create a positive environment for economic growth.

In economic sense, they involve in high value added industries and they have a strong service sector which brings them a high GDP. They also possesses high skilled labor, techonology and enterpeneur so their productivity is high.
2006-10-31 4:58 pm
歷史是工業改革比較早. 政治是早推行自由民主, 使民間有發展. 由於民間自由度大, 只要有才能便可有發展.

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