What Starbucks do to prevent news against its high-caffeine?

2006-10-31 12:22 pm
I was doing an essay about Public Relation Crisis of Starbucks with their high caffeine issue.

Even since they launched the decaf coffee in 1998, there are still press reports against Starbucks high caffeine coffee: US in 2003; Taiwan in 2004 and recently HK in 2006 Oct. I wonder if Starbucks Public Relations did anything to prevent the high-caffeine crisis via Public Relation communication skill set. As a long term effect, what have they done for this issue?

回答 (1)

2006-10-31 2:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Hi there, I have searched a good sample to structure your essay please see the below web address for your information
Although the crisis management report referred to the Breastfeeding
but this was a good sample

Applying the Page Principles
The vision articulated by Arthur W. Page (Vice President Public Relations AT&T 1927 to 1946) offers a template for the practice of corporate communication in a crisis. Here are Pages seven principles and a sampling of Starbucks Corporations application of each.

1 Tell the Truth. This is an important but fairly easy part of the companys strategy, since the facts are generally well known, although the intentions of many of the protesters may not be. Starbucks response through the case has been to position itself as a welcoming, caring enterprise, sensitive to the many, often differing, needs of its customers.

2 Prove It with Action. This is more difficult. But clearly, actions will speak much louder
than words in this case. If the company is committed to the well-being of its customers, and keen on complying with varying state laws and local ordinances, theyll probably have to invest in some form of public notices to provide reasonable health information or warning towards high-caffeine drinks. for example launch health messages likes McDonald

3 Listen to the Customer. A fine line exists between listening to customers and
listening to every protest and special interest group with an agenda to advance. In this case, if these heart problems people truly are customers careful attention to their needs will pay significant dividends. If they arent actually customers or concern health groups, corporate management will have to undertake the survey about their comments to the high caffeine drinks that are rarely or seldom visit Starbucks proper action may take afterward

4 Manage for Tomorrow. The company must see this as a long-term issue. The issues of family rights, accommodating the needs of health problem people, and still remaining profitable will require considerably attention. On both the national and local levels, appropriate partnerships with groups interested in the needs of relevance health groups would seem to be useful and productive.

5 Conduct Public Relations as if the Entire Company Depends on It. Picking a fight
with others is a losing cause, no matter what the cost. Starbucks corporate public relations and communications group must seek to position the firm as friendly to the needs of customers, and others. Even if the company is protected by law, it may not be a good idea to confront such people, particularly if they are sincere in their health and carry on with their daily lives. Long-term damage to corporate image and reputation can occur if Starbucks permits an interest group such as local goverment to portray the company in an unflattering light.

6 A Companys True Character is Expressed by Its People. The people who will make
the companys policies work at the employees behind the counter. They are, ironically, the lowest-paid employees in the organization. All the expensive public relations counsel and market strategy in the world wont help a bit if the young employee behind the counter doesnt understand the issue and how it handle it when it arises. This is clearly an opportunity for training and a clarification of both policy and procedure at each Starbucks store.

7 Remain Calm, Patient and Good-Humored. Accommodation, goodwill, a cooperative
nature, and an appropriate sense of humor will go a long way toward making people feel
good and welcome in a Starbucks store. People are unlikely to sue an organization an organization such as Starbucks over access to a cup of coffee, and will not harm their health with right nutrition concept

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