
2006-10-31 7:33 am

um...sorry,, 我o既意思係,受到簽證又或者當地o既限制等等,最多可以係威尼斯留幾多日?

回答 (2)

2006-11-01 4:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
If you are BNO or SAR Passport holder, normally you could stay 30 days. But when you enter the country, the immigration dept. will ask you how long will you stay, and if you are going to stay for a long time, you'd better have some evidence that could support your financial status is affordable for your holiday, and sometimes they may ask you to show the accommodation information too. You can just print a copy of your accommodation confirmation, and a copy of your air-ticket...etc, to secure you entry.

Additionally, if you visit Venice, you can take the (water-coach) to another 2 islands (Dino and Murano) for your options. Dino has a very popular beach for the people who does not wear anything, and Murano is a place produce the glasses which are very popular over the world.

For Venice, I would suggest you to stay 3-4 days, St Marco Square, and Ponte Dei Sospiri...etc are very famous places for the tourists too. And I do agree with the 1st person who give you the answer, try a ride on the GONDOLA is a MUST, as it is so amazing experience and you could explore the city centre and whole city view of Venice!
參考: My own experience
2006-10-31 8:46 am
你的問題不夠清楚... 最耐可以係威尼斯逗留幾耐?? 視乎你鐘唔鐘意呢個城市, 你喜歡既, 真係可以留一兩個星期的
不過通常旅客係會逗留 2 - 3 日的
第一日: settle down 後可到聖馬可廣場及附近的地方. 另外亦可參觀利奧多橋等名勝
第二日: 可到威尼斯的外島參觀
第三日: 可坐 gondola, 或四周圍行下橫街小巷. 中午左右可出發到下一站

2006-11-02 00:47:50 補充:
BNO 持有人可以免簽證於意大利逗留 90 日的...而特區護照的持有人可以免簽證於意大利逗留 30 日所以你最長的停留日子視乎你用咩 passport 入境了...http://www.wingontravel.com/chi/useful_info_head/visa-detail.asp?page_heading=1&country_code=it
參考: 旅遊經驗

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