
2006-10-31 7:29 am
我現在有了約10周,但自從有了BB之後,便經常和老公吵架,因為他不理我,成日在家中玩online game.完全沒有陪我,他已玩了幾個月,而且連睡也很夜(1時多才睡),和我永遠不會同一時間睡,所以我見到他玩,我的心情也很差,仲成日要關他的電腦,他又不給我關,有時我仲會動手或大吵大鬧……總之,我好擔心頭3個月我的心情及情緒那麼差,bb會有事,我又有想過離婚,請問我可以怎樣做?

回答 (3)

2006-11-03 3:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
first of all, don't be upset. you should keep yourself always happy. because your mood will effect to the baby, he/she can feel you. If you are not happy, he/she will not be happy, too.
you should tell your husband, if he doesn't go to sleep early, you also can't sleep and it's not good for pregnant woman, also not good for the baby. i think he cares about you and the baby. but don't shout at him.
also don't think about divorce, it's very bad. If you have this idea in your mind, it won't help you to improve the relationship with your husband. Actually, when woman pregnant, they will have many different strange idea or become very bad temper. but as long as you share your thinking with your husband, everything will be OK.

you can also buy some books about pregnancy, and read it with your husband, then he will not play the game so long time.

hope you will be a happy mother, don't worry!! everythitng will be OK
參考: me
2006-10-31 7:37 am
你可以試下同佢講你懷孕期間身體方面轉變及想佢對你多d 關心.

2006-10-31 01:02:24 補充:
2006-10-31 7:34 am

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