
2006-10-31 7:20 am
你覺得(名)點呀? 既英文點講??

係咪 how do u like (name)?

回答 (6)

2006-10-31 8:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你覺得 ( 名 ) 點呀? - How do you think about this name?

你覺得他點呀? - How do you find him?
2006-10-31 11:22 pm
how do you think about the name (XX)?
2006-10-31 8:52 am
How do you FIND him ?

Here `FIND` means : to have a particular feeling or idea about someone or something.

More examples :
1/. I hate flying -- I find it absolutely terrifying.
2/. Lots of girls find Tom very attractive.
參考: me + dictionary
2006-10-31 7:38 am
how do you think of name
2006-10-31 7:31 am
how do you feel?
2006-10-31 7:25 am
what's your opinion on (name)?

what do u think about (name)?

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