All the time

2006-10-31 6:45 am
用 time phrase "all the time" 應該用咩 tense?

我想話 Ave Maria 係 Schubert 最出名的作品 all the time

我應該用咩 tense?

Ave Maria has been the most famous song by Schubert all the time?

回答 (5)

2006-11-04 3:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1) what tense?

其實 simple present 「及」 present perfect 都可以的. 前者意思是 「Ave Maria 是舒伯特最出名的作品」, 後者則可用來說「由某某時候開始直至現在, Ave Maria 都是他最出名的作品.」

(2) suggestions:

Ave Maria is Schubert s all time most famous song.
Ave Maria has been Schubert s most popular song (since 1826).

[all time 也可以寫成 all-time]

(3) all the time?

意思是「時常」. 其實你用 simple present 之時已隱含了此意思, 故無必要再加 all the time.

2006-11-03 19:53:27 補充:
另外, Ave Maria 似乎不是他原創的作品, 但我對古典音樂認識有限, 你或許可查證一下.

2006-11-03 20:06:32 補充:
(3) more about all the time想補充, all the time 和現在式是無衝突的, 建議大家多參考字典的例句解釋求證, 及翻閱 grammar書 有關 simple present 及 present perfect 的使用方法 (e.g. Cobuild's Students Dictionary and Grammar)

2006-11-03 21:16:48 補充:
[from: The American Heritage Dictionary of Idioms] All the time 1. Also, all the while. Throughout a specific period, as in All the time the music was playing she tapped her foot, or The baby slept all the while the fire was being put out.

2006-11-03 21:16:59 補充:
2. Continuously, without interruption, as in That old refrigerator is running all the time. 3. Frequently, repeatedly, as in He goes to that store all the time.

2006-11-04 10:04:44 補充:
you re welcome
參考: apostrophe 出唔到, 所以寫成 Schubert s
2006-10-31 8:33 pm
Ave Maria is the all time famous song by Schubert.
不過,要用 all the time 嘅話,用 past perfect tense 較為適合,用 past perfect 有繼往開來的意思。
Ave Maria has been the most famous song by Schubert all the time.
Ave Maria 一直都是舒伯特最著名的作品(歌曲)。
用present tense 就有點怪,既然話係 all the time (解由始至终、從來),又點解用simple present 呢?
2006-10-31 8:00 am
You should use present tense.
2006-10-31 7:05 am
us present tense
2006-10-31 6:51 am
em... i think present perfect tense is ok but present tense may be better (for some verbs, we can even use present continuous tense).
Ave Maria is the most famous song (written) by Schubert all the time.

all the time (ph.)
1. 一直;始終
Conditions are changing all the time.
參考: me and yahoo dictionary

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