Vanessa Anne Hudgens

2006-10-31 6:28 am
我想問Vanessa Anne Hudgens個隻大碟V未整之前是咪好差??有冇人可以提供佢未整之前的歌?最好俾埋網站~~

回答 (2)

2006-10-31 10:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
我有佢未整前ge when there was me and you and breaking free,好難聽,同整左之後分別好大o,i can send it to you ga~~So i hate her
~~ Love Ashley~~
2006-11-01 1:17 am
I think Vanessa has a cool voice. But if you watch Yahoo! Music, you can see the **exclusive live** video, you can see that she is totally lip-singing, I don*t know if V is mixed very much or not, but you can see from that video, she never sing live.

2006-10-31 17:20:41 補充:
Chelsea@Fairytale, can you send me the 未整前 songs too??

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