
2006-10-31 6:00 am
其它都到了band 1中的水平


回答 (3)

2006-11-09 5:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
如果想練好英文口語同聆聽, 其實睇下英文卡通片仲好, 佢地既對象因為係小朋友, 所以會比較簡單易明, 係練習同打好基礎既好機會, 仲一定唔會悶添~!
而寫作同文法方面, 您可以嘗試讀一d英文童話故事書. 有趣之餘又比較易明, 遇到唔明既生字就查字典,唔識讀就去yahoo字典查發音, 亦可以問下d識讀既朋友.

至於出面果d速讀班同圖畫記憶班只係d治標唔治本既野.速讀班係幫您練oral同vocab, 圖畫記憶班係以圖畫既形式幫您將d生字歸類,令您更易記.

學英文唔係件容易既事, 要循序漸進, 多練習, 唔明唔識要不恥下問.
所謂欲速則不達, 慢慢學, 打好基礎最重要!
參考: 在下既經驗之談
2006-11-01 2:21 pm
I agree with kyle_kwok19.

Memorizing would help but only the very basic vocabularies, a few unusual words or forms under different tenses.

But if you really want to improve your English there is no easy way in doing it, you have to use it more frequently and practice. To be willing to look up from dictionaries is an easy way to learn new words, especially those with examples along so you can find out how they are used, and do not expect you will learn it at once after looking it up from the book because it is likely that you will forget it afterwards, it takes time and that is normal.

To read more, listen to the music, pay attention to the lyrics and find out what it means.
Movies, you try to listen what they are saying, first with subtitles, and learn how they pronounce different words under different situations. Then when you are confident enough try to turn off the subtitles and see how far you can get.

Indeed those classes out there is a total waste in terms of money and time.
One can recite the whole dictionary but still do not know how to use the words he has learned properly.
2006-10-31 8:06 am
cramping stuff into your brain never works especially for languages. I'd suggest you to read read read and read. It doesn't have to be a book it can be an article, a magazine(in english..duh)
check the dictionary when needed.
Of course there are tutouring classes but going to those classes would be pointless if you don't catch up with some reading on your own.
watching tv programmes isn't a bad choice either.
and for your oral, practise makes perfect, really.

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