急! Future tenses 問題 . . .

2006-10-31 5:27 am
Future tenses 入面分左will , be going to 同 shall 3種 . . .
(1)我想問下係 依3種有咩分別 . . .
(2)shall 係點用 . . .

回答 (2)

2006-10-31 6:37 am
✔ 最佳答案
Future tenses 入面分左will , be going to 同 shall 3種
(1)我想問下係 依3種有咩分別
I will go to shopping.我可能將會去購物
I am going to shopping.我一定將會去購物
I/We 先用shall
參考: myself
2006-10-31 5:36 am
will use in 不一定do的sentences

be going to use in 一定do的sentences

shall use in l or we

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