
2006-10-31 4:14 am
Hello,How are you?Hope you are fine.Are you happy in the USA?I am a from four student and I gat to know somebody many friend in the school.

Recently,I have been reading a storybook.The book title is "Harry Potter".The book is about three young people to learn mystical wizardry in the school of the sorcery.soon,They become good friends.However,They meet many test and fight with evil demons in the world of the sorcery.Eventually,They kill that evil demons successfully.

Let me tell you why I like reading it so much.Because I feel that very exited and fun comtent of the story. And I like Harry, 榮恩and妙麗 this three characters very much.Because,I feel Harry very brave and clever,榮恩 very kind and 妙麗 very beautiful and lively.So,I hope you will read this book.


1.)我想問下妙麗,榮恩既英文係? 2.)文法有冇錯到?例如用到of / to時。 3.)如有錯,請指出,或建議修改,謝謝!


I am a form four student and I get to know somebody many friend in the school. 我打錯左get變做gat,還有form變做from,sorry呀 而家改返。 (get to know somebody)係唔係解「結識」? 我是查字典的。

回答 (2)

2006-10-31 4:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello,How are you?Hope you are fine.Are you happy in the USA?I am a from four student and I gat to know somebody many friend in the school.

Recently,I have been reading a storybook.The book title is "Harry Potter".The book is about three young people to learn mystical wizardry in the school of the sorcery.soon,They become good friends.However,They meet many "test"(change to challenges) and fight with evil demons in the world of the sorcery.Eventually,They kill that evil demons successfully.

Do you think you need to say evil demons? All demons are evil! But, if you like, that's not wrong. Do check the dictionary.

I think using "I'm reading" is fine.

Let me tell you why I like reading it so much.It is a very exiting story and I have a lot of fun reading it. And I like Harry, Ron and Hermione very much.Harry is very brave and clever,榮恩 is very kind and 妙麗 is very beautiful and lively. I hope you enjoy this book as I do!

Good luck!

2006-10-30 20:58:57 補充:
(get to know somebody)係唔係解「結識」? YES.
2006-10-31 5:00 am
Hello,How are you? Hope you are fine. Are you happy in the USA?I am a Form Four student and I get to know many friends in the school.

Recently, I have been reading a storybook called Harry Potter. The book is about three young people who learn mystical wizardry in a school of sorcery. They are admitted to the school in the same year. Very soon they become good friends. They have many challenges in the school and fight with the evil demons in the world of sorcery. Eventually, they kill the evil demons bravely.

Let me tell you why I like reading it so much. I find that it exiting and interesting.. I like the three main characters in the book very much: Harry, Ron and Hermoine. I think Harry is very brave and clever, Ron is very kind and Hermione is very beautiful and lively. I hope you will read the book too.

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