
2006-10-31 2:27 am
However professor Wong said regular household chores taught children to be responsible member of their family and wider society, and helped develop their sense of self-worth. 'children need to be taught that the family belongs to everyone in it, and there is a need to divide the work and co-operate,' he said.

回答 (2)

2006-10-31 3:55 am
✔ 最佳答案
2006-10-31 2:29 am
但是王教授說教孩子的有規律的家務事是他們的家庭和更寬的社會的負責任的成員,並且幫助發展他們的自尊的感覺。 以及#39; 孩子需要被教家庭在它裡屬于每人, 並且有一個需要分工作並且合作,以及#39; 他說。

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