
2006-10-31 2:12 am
我要做reading report

回答 (2)

2006-10-31 5:47 am
✔ 最佳答案
我之前都答過類似的問題, 我推介以下的書比你!!!

Louisa May Alcott 的 Little Women (小婦人). 故事環繞四姊妹的. 但主角是第二個女--joe. 好好睇的! Lemony Snicket 的 A Series of Unfortunately Events (波特萊爾的冒險), 都會好岩你睇. 個故事係講三個姊弟妹由父母死後, 所發生的一連串不幸事件的. 雖然係 *不幸*事件, 但好得意的! 英文亦唔難明. Jostein Gaarder 的 A Christmas Mystery , The Solitaire Mystery 好好睇的. Jostein Gaarder的書關於人生哲學的, 但唔會難明. Arthur Conan Doyle 的 The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. (福爾摩斯). Arthur Conan Doyle 的 The Lost World . 講一班人去到一個荒島, 發現原來仲有恐龍... 我以前睇過一次, 好緊張, 好精彩的. L. Frank Baum 的 The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (綠野仙蹤) . Meg Cabot 的 The Princess Diaries (走佬俏公主/ 公主日記) 系列. Meg Cabot的書好輕鬆, 有趣. 英文易明, 可以一睇! The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster is also a very good book. It is about a very bored boy named Milo and accidently gets into the Kingdom of Wisdom. He has had a lot of adventures in the Kingdom and has made a lot friends. I like this story very much and this is one of my all time favourites! 你鍾意睇格林童話 (Brothers Grimm*s Fairy Tales ) 嗎? 我就由細到大都好鍾意. 你不妨睇睇英文版的故事!!! 英文唔難明 , 又好睇. 網上有好多online books的. 你可以click以下個網址: Fairy Tales by Brothers Grimm Roald Dahl 的書. 佢係我第一個喜歡的英文作家. 佢寫咗好多兒童故事書, 好似 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (朱古力獎門人) . 佢用的英文唔會難明, 而且好好睇. Charlie系列仲有續集, 叫 Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator, 都好好睇的. 另外 Roald Dahl的其他作品 James and the Giant Peach , The Witches , The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me , Matilda 等等, 都好好睇的.
如果你想要多d介紹, 可以send email比我!
參考: 自己
2006-10-31 4:08 am
They are all by Anthony Horowitz

Skeleton Key
Point Blanc
Ark Angel
Eagle Strike

they are book about a kid spy very good in UK they are class as teenage book easy to understand good plot and story line.
personal I read all of them within a week. ie 3 to 4 hours a day

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