(20)how to refuse some website to appear in my computer?

2006-10-31 2:11 am
how to refuse some website to appear in my computer?

I don't know weather there are some virus in computer or not, but when I am using my computer, there is always some sex website pop up, how to avoid them?

20 points!

回答 (2)

2006-10-31 3:11 am
✔ 最佳答案

開始 (start)→ 控制台 (control panel)→ 網絡和網際網路連線 (web and web connection -- I am not sure for this name, just somthing like that) → 按「隱私權」那頁→剔底部的『封銷快顯』

最好裝個anti-virus 同埋 anti-spyware軟件,到www.download.com直接search 呢兩個名就得。

建議你anti-virus用AVG anti-virus programme,anti-spyware我同學話Microsoft的Beta好喎!

Hope these helps~

2006-10-31 2:14 am
double click your security centre in control panel.

Set security level to high. To avoid pop up.

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