Business Writing

2006-10-31 1:57 am
Any books recommend for Business E-mails, Enquiry, etc.

回答 (3)

2006-11-03 7:32 am
✔ 最佳答案
The Encyclopedia of Business Letters, Fax Memos, and E-Mail (Paperback)
by Robert W. Bly

Book Description
Here is the most complete and up-to-date resource of model business correspondence for every conceivable occasion. From sample letters, memos and e-mails, this guide allows the user to use samples as is, or adapt for their own purpose. This book contains more than 300 model documents demonstrating the key elements necessary to convey the writer's message. Easy organization allows user to quickly identify the specific letter needed.

Book Info
Features hundreds of model letters, faxes and e-mail you can pick up and adapt to give your business writing the attention it deserves. Softcover. DLC: Business

The Elements of Business Writing: A Guide to Writing Clear, Concise Letters, Memos, Reports, Proposals, and Other Business Documents (Elements of Series) (Paperback)
by Gary Blake, Robert W. Bly

Book Info
From an interoffice memo to a fifty-page proposal, this is the definitive guide to business writing. Anyone who has ever had to write any business document will find "The Elements of Business Writing" the single most effective tool for producing clear, concise, and persuasive prose. Equally useful to executives and support staff, it shows how to: write clearly and powerfully; rid writing of jargon and pompous language; organize material effectively; and avoid errors in spelling, grammar, and usage. (paper)

3. Effective Business Writing :(A Guide For Those who Write On the Job) 2nd Edition Revised And Updated (Paperback)
by Maryann V. Piotrowski

Book Info
This is a well-written, carefully organized book that belongs on desks across America! Topics covered include organizing before writing, overcoming writer's block, suiting letters to complex situations, and using grammar and punctuation properly. If I had to provide one criticism, it would only be that the book is too short! As a reader, I didn't tire of the useful sample letters and would have happily read more and more. A great reference for the tentative writer and a good refresher for seasoned writers, as well.
2008-09-22 10:02 pm
The website can help you. and
2006-11-08 5:23 am

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