travel to Russia~

2006-10-31 1:29 am
聞說俄羅斯治安欠佳, 是嗎?
visa, 機場稅點計?

回答 (3)

2006-11-04 2:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
The city is getting more safe now!!!

my boyfriend and I went there 3 months ago, 自由行, to St petersburgh and Moscow for 8 days. People said it is dangenous to go there for 2 of us but anyway, we were safe and back home.

Visa is a troublesome issue. You can visit here:
You know what, we have called the consulate for more detailed information, and they dun speak in english!!!! and hang up the line after 1 min.....

the visa, you can leave all documents to travel agency and they will get things done with DOUBLING the visa fee. $400+ for one person and the agency charged you $900 for that!

Another point is, Aeroflot, the russian airline is not very safe. Do choose Cathy pacific for a safer journey.

But afterall, I still support 自由行, becos I love the feeling of controlling all my journey. And St petersburgh is a very beautiful place, and you can walk to most of the sight-seeing points, which can save travel fees.

I have seen people going with tour, I must say... you will see less if you follow tour. They will not bring you to see moscow underground stations, they will only allow you to stay in museum or palace for 1 hours, where you should spend half day for those.

參考: myself 自由行 3 months ago
2006-11-04 8:00 am

I went there by myself with the assistance of 歐陸旅運。 (They are a specialist for Russia ticket and visa. You can get FREE various support from them too)

I can say Russia is not as convenient as other European countries. The languages is a problem. You can't speak and read (should be difficult to read). It's specially true at St. Petersburg.

I almost missed a train station when getting to a famous scene. But some Russians are very helpful. They just brought us to the place we're looking for (since we just didn't understand what they say).

It's a diffuclt journey but it WORTHS.

For safety and comfort, I won't object joining a tour. Of course, I still enjoy 自由行 as long as you believe you can manage.
參考: self
2006-11-02 9:05 am
i go there few yrs ago, 自由行! 10 days to Russia and Poland.

u can go to 歐陸travel ageny for package and Visa.
But u still have to leave the passport for another visa chop after u arrive in Russia hotel. ( dunno why...)

and u should be very careful to go there.

cos i met some " fake police"( with gun!!!) who ask me to show them passport and said that there was problem of our visa, then ask me to pay US 30 dollars for them.

But i think the building and church is worth to see.

hope it can help u.

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