a Phy Q~~~help!!

2006-10-31 1:07 am
A 3-kg metal block is heated to 100 C and then put into a 5-kg water bath. The temperature of the water bath rises from 27 C to 31.7 C. What are the specific heat capacity and heat capacity of the metal block?

(specific heat capacity of water = 4200J kg^-1 C^-1)

回答 (2)

2006-10-31 1:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
let y be the the specific heat capacity of the metal block

the specific heat capacity of the metal block is
482J kg^-1 C^-1

the heat capacity of the metal block is
3 x 482J kg^-1 C^-1=1450(3s.f.)

2006-10-30 21:36:48 補充:
100 - 鐵本來的溫度37.1-鐵放入水, 冷卻後的溫度(100-37) - 鐵前後的溫差

2006-10-30 21:40:48 補充:
如果以會考標淮(物理科)就算有excet value, 也要取3位有效數值(特別注明除外), 分數也不可.數學科則相反, 有分數寫分數, 不要寫3位有效數值.

2006-10-30 21:43:17 補充:
correction:3kg x 482J kg^-1 C^-1=1450J℃^-1(3s.f.)
2006-10-31 1:20 am
specific heat capacity=3c(100-31.7)=5(4200)(31.7-27)
c=482 jkg^-1 C^-1
heat capacity of the metal=481.6983895 x 3
C=1445 j^-1 C^-1

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